Bilberry Extract Benefits & Bilberry Side Effects

June 01, 2010- Bilberry extract is derived from the bilberry fruit found mainly in Northern Europe. Bilberry fruit belongs to the berry family of raspberries, cranberries, blackberries and blueberries. The main constituent of the bilberry extract is as an antioxidant pigment called the anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are water soluble pigments that can be red, blue or purple in color depending upon the Ph content. Anthocyanins are very beneficial food pigments which also have antioxidant properties. Anthocyanins antioxidants are powerful antioxidants that prevent damage of food. Bilberry antioxidants have proved to be very beneficial in preventing long term health problems like heart related diseases, cancer, vision related problems, etc. Let us understand the uses, benefits and side effects of bilberry extract in detail.

Bilberry Benefits

  • Bilberry for eyes Bilberry extract anthocyanins content is the primary constituent of the bilberry extract that is responsible for bilberry benefits for the eyes. Anthocyanins act like a protective filter for the eyes and therefore preventing cataract. It has proved to be highly beneficial in treating the cataract eye troubles and inhibiting reverse macular degeneration.
  • Bilberry for blood pressure disorders Bilberry extract is known to be helpful in promoting blood circulation and strengthening the blood vessels which further improves the blood circulation. Not just improving the blood circulation, it also brings down a raised blood pressure level.
  • Apart from these benefits, bilberry extract also contains another ingredient known as glucoquinine that lowers the blood sugar levels, therefore being good for diabetic patients.
  • Bilberry benefits also extend to treating venous insufficiency, a condition in which veins tend to swell.
  • Ulcers and itching is also treated with bilberry.
  • It has been traditionally used for relief in cramps during menstruation and to stop bleeding.
  • Bilberry extract anthocyanins are strong antioxidants that prevent damage of food.
  • It is also used a pigment food additive.
  • It is also believed to be helpful in treating cancer to an extent, as other antioxidants are known to haver certain anti cancer effect.
  • Bilberry tea is a popular health beverage. Besides, it is also used in pies and jams.

Seeing the bilberry benefits, which are mainly due to the anthocyanins content, bilberry consumption is advised on a regular basis for yielding maximum benefits. But all these bilberry benefits can only be enjoyed completely only when the bilberry side effects are also completely known and understood.

Bilberry Side Effects

As such bilberry side effects are effectively considered to be zero. But certain reactions have been noticed amongst people who consume bilberry in some form or the other. Bilberry consumption might result in dizziness, slight headache, bowel & stomach troubles and thinning of blood. At times it might also be a cause for an interference in the effect of a prescribed drug or medicine.

One can be on the safe side by being careful about purchasing bilberry extract or any other form of bilberry from a trusted source or brand. Also keep the bilberry dosage per diet between 20mg to 60mg. Smaller amounts taken for longer periods are beneficial.

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